Anxious. Excited. Scared. Determined.
These are some of the things people feel in the pre-retirement stage. (If you want to check out the 5 retirement phases, click here).
Some feel anxious about an upcoming identity change. “Who will I be without my job/career?” or “I AM the job” or “I work so much I don’t really have anything else.”
Some are excited. “I’ll be able to travel now” or “I can finally spend more time with my kids/grandkids!”
Fear of not having enough money is a thought many people have, while some are determined to practice living within their expected retirement income BEFORE the big day comes. Many look for ways they can economize.
Whatever you are feeling in the pre-retirement stage, you’re not alone. And there are plenty of resources available to help you sort through your thoughts and feelings.
The Best Resource Out There
One of my favorite resources is AARP. They are dedicated to anyone in the USA over 50 but there is no minimum age to join. That means if you are retiring “early” you can still take advantage of all of their services. And they're really generous! My AARP membership has lapsed (note to self -- remedy that!) but I still get their magazine, which is full of juicy info and tips. Plus, anyone can do research into programs, resources, and ideas on their website.
You can learn how to use your personal electronics more effectively and learn more about Medicare and Medicaid, including eligibility requirements. You can read stories about how others are easing into retirement (or non-retirement, like me). You can even find a job if you want one!
If you’re in that pre-retirement stage, check them out! I guarantee you will learn something new and it may even ease some of your worries.
I’m curious if you are in the pre-retirement stage, what thoughts keep going through your mind about retirement? Get on my email list and drop me a line - I would love to hear from you!